
Monday June 21st, 2010

“We’re all cowardly and ironic animals.”

rotterThe Tottenville Review, a recently launched site devoted mostly to the work of debut authors, spoke to novelist Jeffrey Rotter. I enjoyed it, and not just because I share this sentiment of his: “I don’t believe lettuce belongs on a sandwich.” Along with some talk about his book, Rotter and interviewer Jason Porter go out of their way to keep things entertaining:

INTERVIEWER: On the topic of barnyards, do you eat animals? Would you eat animals in front of animals?

JEFFREY ROTTER: I do. I have. Animals have eaten animals in front of me. An animal has never, to my knowledge, eaten a human in front of me. Though my cat chomped on my arm recently and sent me to the hospital for two days with cellulitis. I am not averse to eating him, should the need arise. I don’t eat much meat anymore, and when I do I try to make it the good stuff, the “humane” kind. And I’ve ruled out octopus. I won’t eat anything that can open a jar, or shape-shift, or yank out my uvula with its tentacles.