Michael Chabon writes about the music of Big Star. (“Power pop is a prayer offered by atheists to a God who exists but doesn’t hear.”) . . . The six finalists for Oddest Book Title of the Year have been announced. I’m betting on Governing Lethal Behavior in Autonomous Robots. . . . This list of reviewer clichés (in the form of a Bingo card) has been making the rounds. I’m sure I’ve been guilty of some, but I would never, ever use the word “unputdownable.” That is awful. I’ve probably used “readable” a couple of times, but I hate that, too. Doesn’t it just mean “capable of being read”? It’s like those beer ads that trumpet “drinkability.” I would hope the stuff is drinkable, as a bare minimum. . . . Laurie Abraham discusses the year she spent watching couples in therapy as research for her new book. (“[T]here are aspects of our culture that make it seem like marriage is the only way to find emotional sustenance in life.”) . . . The most beautiful bookstore in the world? . . . 10 books to help celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. . . . C. Max Magee judges between Lorrie Moore and Marlon James at the Tournament of Books, and the (always entertaining) peanut gallery reflects on the contest.
Wednesday March 17th, 2010