If you haven’t bookmarked the site Letters of Note, you should. This recent entry by Mark Twain was written to a salesman who had attempted to sell Twain bogus medicine. It includes this line: “The person who wrote the advertisements is without doubt the most ignorant person now alive on the planet; also without doubt he is an idiot, an idiot of the 33rd degree, and scion of an ancestral procession of idiots stretching back to the Missing Link.” . . . A 1973 book of photos of New York City graffiti (with an essay by Norman Mailer) is being reissued. . . . It takes six people to lift the world’s biggest book, and it will be on display this summer at the British Library. . . . Maud Newton has opened a comments thread to ask writers what they did before they wrote, or while they wrote, or what they would like to do if they didn’t write. (Newton herself has an idea for a private eye firm with the TV-series-ready name of Grasso & Neutron.) . . . Lawrence Lessig on “Google, copyright, and our future.” . . . Flavorwire lists five good sites for book-related videos. . . . Mark Athitakis investigates the long-standing notion of a “typical New Yorker short story.” . . . A very creepy, but very effective book cover (via Casual Optimist).
Wednesday January 27th, 2010