
Tuesday September 22nd, 2009

The Second Pass: Now With 100% More Twitter

I’ve taken the plunge. The Twitter plunge.

From now on, you can follow The Second Pass at this page. And please, do sign up to officially “follow.” It will make me feel good.

I know the site updates on a somewhat irregular schedule (though those who are paying attention know that certain blog features appear on certain days), so if it’s easier for you to be notified of new material via Twitter, I hope this helps. Mostly, the posts (refusing to call them “tweets” is my remaining form of protest, I suppose) will be links to the site, but there will be occasional random thoughts (I’ll try to keep them bookish), and occasional trivia (like the fact that I’m listening to Bruce Springsteen’s “Jungleland” as I type this; that kind of thing).