
Tuesday July 14th, 2009

In the Ether

jimkrusoe1bwTo celebrate its 10th anniversary, Tin House has started a blog. The magazine and book publisher admits that for an office “teeming with Luddites,” they’re “stepping out of [their] comfort zone.” And in fact, the first proper post, by novelist Jim Krusoe (at left), is more a full essay than a blog post. Krusoe returned to his hometown of Cleveland for a reading and shares his impressions: “The neighborhood, that always had the look of a slightly feral cat, now looks like a feral cat that has been savaged by one or two feral dogs: alive, but barely.” . . . An interview with writer/illustrator/graphic novelist Seth. . . . Morgan Meis identified with Holden Caulfield, but he understands why today’s teenagers might not. (“The fact is I’m willing to throw Holden under the bus.”) . . . Superstar designer Chip Kidd shares some of his favorite 21st-century book covers with Newsweek. . . . Blog post title of the week: “Because Sometimes You Just Need to See a Lot of Demented Books with Gorillas on the Cover.”
