
Friday June 19th, 2009

In the Ether

bs-johnsonScott Pack writes about a screening of the TV and film work of experimental writer B.S. Johnson (pictured at left). The night was hosted by Jonathan Coe, a terrific writer himself, and the author of Like A Fiery Elephant, a compelling and formally inventive biography of Johnson. The night featured a show called “Fat Man On a Beach.” Pack embeds an an eight-minute segment, and the rest appears to be available online. . . . Despite being a big Coen brothers fan, I’ve never been a big Lebowski fan. (Rim shot.) But the film’s reputation seems to be doing just fine without my enthusiasm, and soon a university press (Indiana, to be precise) will publish a book of analysis to please the cult. . . . Two writers recently shopped around biographies of David Foster Wallace, which are apparently very different in nature. One of them has sold. I’m not sure I’m ready for a project like that, and I wonder if I’m alone. . . . Response to yesterday’s post about Harold Bloom keeps coming in. One reader points to his own interaction with Bloom.
